Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Childish superhero all-age bakage with many gameplay elements! These characters deserve an article all to themselves mainly because half of them are completely bonkers. One playthrough takes less than 2 hours, but some heroines have two endings. Take it away Mara! This is the absurd and fun setting of Sapphism no Gensou a visual novel by Lair-soft who since have done nothing else of note although they have kept with the theme of an unusual setting in nearly all their games. sapphism no gensou visual novel

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October 16, at 9: Game is released to reap the light of anime adaptation Kanta Komori is the legitimate successor to "Hotto Surussho," a technique for causing mischief. Unfortunately the game is a poor remake of the original game. All this confusing synopsis is just a convenient way to bring upon lots of perverse situations with multiple people - don't really see any other meaning besides that in this camouflaged nukige. Pirates capture Mia, Manati, and Sumaki! All the characters get at least one including the main character and the old lady who founded the H.

To leave without regrets.

sapphism no gensou visual novel

October 12, at He already knows about Sunao's connection with his alternate personality Ran, but could that mean he has his own alternate personality as well? The invitation yesterday was all a trap!

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Sapphism no Gensou Image # - Zerochan Anime Image Board

Game takes 3 weeks. After spending some time in Shinichirou and Nanami's place, Sora and Sunao come across a mysterious cosplaying bandit known only by the number Surprisingly, there's a quite decent route about visuao travel that opens only after all the girls are captured.

Movie-ish game featuring lots of exotic vehicles and gunfire. Take it away Mara! You can sit back and watch the exciting sex scenes simply by choosing the automatic play selection.

So game is more interesting as gensu part of Inspire flow of works rather than an individual work.

sapphism no gensou visual novel

Investigation of these strange norms brings hero to the truth that girls are being insulted there every night. At the request of Patty, deputy researcher at the ruins, Sakura and Hide return to Aveil. Luckily, there works a lot of beautiful girls.

Sapphism no Gensou: The Case of H.B. Polarstar | One-shot -

Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. He nocel experiences a blinding headache and is taken to the hospital.

sapphism no gensou visual novel

The two of them must go to Ruins and save them!! Until then, they have to stay with Pastel, the inexperienced magician, who brought them vidual in the first place. The two of them are adventurers. The emperor of the Madou Empire is impressed with the resistant and hostile attitude of this princess and orders Leno to train her as a sex slave, worthy of the emperor.

If this summery so far has not made gensok throw up then let me close it by saying that we are treated to one of the assaults as the opening scene of the game in an act of Somme-level idiocy by the designers.

Wanted to review it myself, but there are too many English reviews already from the yuri army. But one day an old friend calls up and says he needs his help.

Not content with the usual standards of security a private school, the H. For that she is determined to get sappgism a partner in school trip to Kyoto with the use of body possession. One day, a murder is commited in the hospital and people starts suffering a strange disease not seen before.

Sapphism no Gensou - PC Game - Visual Novel - Yuri Game (Liar-Soft)

Here, they find a pendant, which had belonged to Kazumi. Atmosphere is great, though. This site uses cookies.

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