Saturday, 14 December 2019


Students will review and process the topics related to pathological conditions resulting from biochemical disorders. Inhibition of enzyme activity. Hemoglobin - hemoglobin as an allosteric protein, sickle-cell anemia, hemoglobin biosynthesis and degradation. The hormones of the endocrine glands, hormones tissue, structure and function of hormones, features hormonal system, mechanisms of action of hormones, hormone regulation. Carbohydrates - monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, digestion of carbohydrates, glucose catabolism glycolysis , glycogen biosynthesis gluconeogenesis , degradation of glycogen glycogenolysis , anaerobic way of creating lactate and alanine Cori cycle, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate cycle. Harperova ilustrurana biokemija, 28th Ed, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb Schedule of classes Studies programme Space occupancy. biokemija stryer

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biokemija stryer

Energy aspects of metabolism - respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation, biological redox systems. Required literature available in the biokemiia and via other media Title Number of copies in the library Availability via other media R.

Rearrangement of amino acids. Learn about porphyrin and heme metabolism and disorders connected with their metabolism.


Medicinska naklada,Zagreb. Experimental Methods in biochemical research. Free radicals and oxidative stress.

The metabolism of adipose, muscle, and liver. Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course Biochemistry I and Biochemistry II Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course 4 to 10 learning outcomes - Introduction to the structure and function of muscle tissue and strryer as well as functions of blood cells, plasma proteins and immunoglobulins.

Biokemija - Lubert Stryer - Google Books

Connection of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Schedule of classes Studies programme Space occupancy. Inhibition of enzyme activity. Carbohydrates - monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, digestion of carbohydrates, glucose catabolism glycolysisglycogen biosynthesis gluconeogenesisdegradation of glycogen glycogenolysisanaerobic way of creating lactate and alanine Cori cycle, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate cycle. Build stations; organelles, composition and construction of biological membranes, membrane receptors, the passage of substances through the cell membrane, active transport.

The association citrate cycle with other metabolic processes.

Basics of biochemistry, role and historical overview of developments in biochemistry. Other as the proposer wishes to add. Citric acid cycle, acetyl-SCoA catabolism. Myoglobin as a carrier of oxygen.

Biochemistry Stryer 7th

Lipids - compound fats, phospholipids, sterols, fatty acids, lipids significant energy, degradation of triglycerides in the intestinal tract, lipase, bile acid, the catabolism of triglycerides and fatty acids, biosynthesis of fatty acids, biosynthesis of glycerophospholipids.

Control of blood sugar levels.

biokemija stryer

Metabolism of water and electrolytes. Metabolism of fructose and galactose. Proteins - the three-dimensional structure of proteins, the role of dietary protein, essential amino acids, resorption and transport of amino acids. The mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis.

biokemija stryer

Coenzyme as hydrogen carriers and transmitters of the biokemiija. Harperova ilustrurana biokemija, 28th Biokekija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb Enzymes - Classification and chemical nature of enzymes.

Essential of medicinal biochemistry: Muscle tissue and cytoskeleton. The goal of bbiokemija course is to teach students aboth specific and and important topics in the field of biochemistry. Hemoglobin - hemoglobin as an allosteric protein, sickle-cell anemia, hemoglobin biosynthesis and degradation. The metabolism of cholesterol. The hormones of the endocrine glands, hormones tissue, structure and function of hormones, features hormonal system, mechanisms of action of hormones, hormone regulation.

Nucleotide metabolism - the structure and function of nucleic acids, genetic role, structure and replication, DNA damage, genetic code and protein synthesis, inhibitors of protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression, recombination, biosynthesis and catabolism of purines and pyrimidines, Seminars: Coenzyme - prosthetic groups and cosubstrate; their role in enzyme catalysis and specificity of interaction with the substrate.

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